Dustin Ward

Committed to Representing District 20:

Auburn, Durham, Poland & New Gloucester.

 Independent thinking that moves Maine people FORWARD.

I’m just a kid from Aroostook County.  That local and rural focus undergirds how I view the way in which Maine can continue to move forward for those who call this State home. I am running to represent what it means to actively move politics forward.  

A ForWard voice for those who have been unheard and underrepresented; rural communities who are seen as too small to be impactful, marginalized members who rarely have voice in key matters, and voters who have moved away from party politics. 

ForWard measures of practical solutions taking the place of having only words as sufficient. Offering steps towards real goals that are clear enough to impact people.  

ForWard communication as a facilitator to bridge multiple issues, with multifaceted outcomes for municipalities. Advocating for Towns, Cities, and rural communities to see positive change for their future 

With much of our political dynamic fractured, we need a way towards building back a collaborative future.

A Facilitator At Heart

I am committed to bridging the diverse perspectives that enrich our district, transforming innovative ideas and solutions, into tangible realities that achieve our collective goals.

My Commitment To You:

  • Community: Opening doors and fostering opportunities for all, especially those independently minded individuals seeking to make their voices heard.

  • Transparency: Transparent in my decision-making process and active listening to the communities. Nothing I do will be in isolation, but constantly connecting with our municipalities, keeping you informed and involved.

  • Listening: Representing the Unheard and overlooked; running as an independent candidate reflects my belief that independent thinking is foundational to our community. Our diversity of thought cannot be confined to binary choices. I look to listening to bring fresh perspectives to the table.

    We are advocating for a new way of thinking to shape a new generation of politics—one that is inclusive, innovative, and inspiring. Join me in bringing about the change we wish to see for District 20 and beyond.

Reach Out!

Connect with the Vote ForWard 24 Senate Campaign by reaching out with questions, comments, insights, and anything else that can assist us in helping to represent you!